Kids room should ideally be in the North-East of the house and should be colored in shades of yellow. Yellow is considered to be good and it enhances the concentration of the child.Colors for kids' room in North
North is also considered good for the child. Shades of green or yellow should be used for the room.South-Eastern kids' room colors
South-East is not good for kids, it makes them very short tempered and angry. The colors of room in this direction are either pink, yellow or white.Color for kids' room in South
South should ideally not be given to children, though the color that one should use are terracotta or shades of yellow.Color for kids' room in West
Just like south, west direction rooms are not good for the children, but the colors that one should use for room in this direction are the shades of blue or brown.source: - Copyright Dr. Smita Narang
The ideal place for the living room/drawing room is North-West and should be colored in white.Color for the living room in North Direction
North is also considered good for the living room and one should color it in the shades of green or blue.Living room in North-East
The ideal color of the living room in the north-eastern direction are the shades of green or yellow.Color for living room in East
One should use the white or yellow for the living room in this directionColor for living room in SouthEast
South-East being the element of fire hence one should use the shade of orange or yellow in this directionColors for living room in the South
If the living room lies in the South of the house then one should use dark shared of blue, orange or brown.Color for living room in South-West
South-West being the element of earth, brown color should be used here.source: - Copyright Dr. Smita Narang
Fire is the strongest element of all the five elements of Vastu Shastra. The ideal place for the kitchen is South-East. Kitchen should be colored in the family of red or orange.Color of kitchen in NorthWest direction
North-West is the second-best location for kitchen, after South-East. One should use the shades of green in such kitchens.Color of kitchen in East direction
Kitchen coming in exactly east direction can also be good according to Vastu Shastra. Such kitchens should be colored in the shades of yellow or white.Kitchen color in South Direction
One can use the shades of yellow or orange in such kitchenColor of Kitchen in North Direction
The primary color that should be used in this direction is green.Color of Kitchen in West or SouthWest Direction
Kitchen in this direction is not good and can create health related issues. Kitchens in these directions should be colored in brown or earthy colors.source: - Copyright Dr. Smita Narang
According to Vastu Shastra principles the master-bedroom should be located on the South-West of the house. South-West is the element of earth; hence earthy colors should be used in this room. If the master bedroom lies in South, West or SouthWest then tones of brown should be used.Location of Master-Bedroom in South-East
In many houses / apartments, the master bedroom is located in South-East corner, in such scenario white or cream color should be used.Master-Bedroom in North
If the master bedroom lies in North direction then Green or Blue is the ideal color.Master-Bedroom in NorthEast
Though NorthEast is very bad for the master bedroom, but if such is the scenario then the room should be painted in shade of yellowMaster Bedroom in East
If the master bedroom lies in the East of the house then one should use blue or white.source: - Copyright Dr. Smita Narang
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